Discover the Nutridrench difference.

Backed by:
20 years of research
2 US patents
Controlled trials on over 2,300 animals
Field trials on over 500,000 animals​
BoviDr Laboratories revolutionized the industry with the first and only oral nutrition support to immediately restore the immune system with a superior balance of high energy, vitamins, amino acids, trace minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants.
Normally supplements require hours in digestion with no guarantee nutrients will be used or retained. Nutridrench® does not require digestion and absorbs into the bloodstream in minutes. The speed is comparable to injection with a hypodermic needle.
Measurable in minutes. 50% uptake in 30 minutes. 99% utilization.
Our suite of products offers unmatched health and wellness support for livestock, pets, and show animals. All of our products are made in the USA and backed by a moneyback guarantee. When you need to optimize your animals' general health, ability to heal, or energy for show, reach for Nutridrench.
Nutridrench® and Nutridrops® are a premium, nutrient rich supplement designed to rapidly deliver energy and essential nutrients to animals that are stressed or off feed, with no digestion required. The unique manufacturing process was granted the first-ever U.S. patents for speed of nutrient availability, and remains exclusive to BoviDr Laboratories.
BoviDr Laboratories is a small, family-run business with deep roots in America's heartland. We were founded on combining cutting-edge concepts in veterinary medicine with the highest-quality nutrients to produce a suite of products that helps animals enjoy a state of optimal health, peak performance, and longevity.
Nutridrench and Nutridrops will support your animals in recovering faster, producing more, and living longer, healthier lives, all by optimizing their natural immunities by supplying the right nutrients, in the right balance, at the right time.
Nutridrops and Nutridrench are also invaluable assets in emergency medicine—key tools for ranchers, pet owners, and veterinarians providing life-saving care.
Thank you for your purchase. Thank you for supporting our small business. Above all, thank you for your commitment to keeping your animals healthy. Buying our product shows you care. It shows that you are a committed owner, invested in your animals' wellbeing. That commitment makes you part of the Nutridrench family.